
pytter.client.client module

from typing import NamedTuple
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1
from typing import Dict, List

from ..utils import utils
from ..api import APISession, Credentials
from ..objects import Tweet, Place, User

class Client:
    Simple and easy to use API client which wraps
    around APISession.


    - `credentials : Credentials`  
      Twitter APP or user credentials object.


    def __init__(self, credentials: Credentials):
        self._session = APISession(credentials)

    def session(self) -> APISession:
        Returns the clients APISession


        - `APISession`  
          Initialized APISession instance.
        return self._session

    # STATUSES #

    def status_update(self, 
        text: str, 
        media: list = [],
        possibly_sensitive: bool = False,
        lat: float = None,
        long: float = None,
        place: [Place, int, str] = None,
        display_coordinates: bool = False) -> Tweet:
        Send a tweet.


        - `text: str`  
          The text content of the tweet.

        - `media: list`  
          A list of media links which will be attached
          to the tweet. These can be a path to a local
          file, an URI to an online file which will be 
          downloaded or a already created FileInfo 
          *Default: `[]`*
        - `possibly_sensitive: bool`  
          Wether the tweet contains any sensitive content
          such as nudity or medical procedures.
          *Default: `False`*

        - `lat: float`  
          The latitude of the location where the tweet
          referes to. This must be a number between -90
          and 90 and will be ignored if `long` parameter
          is not passed.
          *Default: `None`*

        - `long: float`  
          The longitude of the location where the tweet
          referes to. THis must be a value between -180
          and 180 and will be ignored if `lat` parameter
          is not passed.
          *Default: `None`*

        - `place: [Place, str]`  
          A place the tweet referes to. This can be a place
          object or a place ID as string.
          *Default: `None`*

        - `display_coordinates: bool`  
          Wether or not to display coordinates in tweet.
          *Default: `False`*


        - `Tweet`  
          The resulting Tweet object.

        return self._session.statuses_update(
            place=(( if type(place) == Place else place) if place else None),

    def status_delete(self, tweet_id: [str, int]) -> Tweet:
        Delete a tweet by its ID.


        - `tweet_id: [str, int]`  
          The ID of the tweet as string or integer.


        - `Tweet`  
          The tweet object of the deleted tweet.
        return self._session.statuses_destroy(tweet_id)

    def status_retweet(self, tweet_id: [str, int]) -> Tweet:
        Retweet a tweet by its ID.


        - `tweet_id: [str, int]`  
          ID of the Tweet to retweet.


        - `Tweet`  
          The resulting Tweet containing 
          retweet information.

        return self._session.statuses_retweet(id=tweet_id)

    def status_unretweet(self, tweet_id: [str, int]) -> Tweet:
        Revoke a retweet by its ID.


        - `tweet_id: [str, int]`  
          The retweet ID to be revoked.


        - `Tweet`  
          The Tweet object of the revoked retweet.

        return self._session.statuses_unretweet(id=tweet_id)

    def status(self, tweet_id: [str, int],
        include_entities: bool = True,
        include_ext_alt_text: bool = True) -> Tweet:
        Get Tweet by its ID. If there was no Tweet
        found by this ID, the result will be None.


        - `tweet_id: [str, int]`  
          ID of the Tweet to be fetched.

        - `include_entities: bool`  
          Include Tweet entities.
          *Default: `True`*

        - `include_ext_alt_text: bool`  
          Include Tweets alt text, if set.
          *Default: `True`*


        - `Tweet`  
          Resulting Tweet or `None`.

        return self._session.statuses_show(id=tweet_id,

    def statuses(self, tweet_ids: list, 
        include_entities: bool = True,
        include_ext_alt_text: bool = True,
        raise_on_none = False) -> Dict[str, Tweet]:
        Gets up to 100 tweets by their IDs.The result will be
        a dictionary with keys representing the originally
        requested Tweet ID paired with the fetched Tweet
        object, if found. Else, the value will be `None`.

        - `tweet_ids: list`  
          List of Tweet IDs to be fetched.
        - `include_entities: bool`  
          Include Tweets entity objects.
          Default: True
        - `include_ext_alt_text: bool`  
          Include Tweets alt texts, if set.
          Default: True
        - `raise_on_none: bool`  
          If this is set to `True`, an `NoneResponseException`
          will be risen if one of the Tweets is `None` (not found,
          not existent or not accessable).


        - `Dict[[str, int], Tweet]`  
          Tweet IDs as keys paired with the corresponding
          result Tweet object, which can be `None`.

        return self._session.statuses_lookup(

    def status_retweets(self, tweet_id: [str, int], count: int = None) -> List[Tweet]:
        Returns a list of up to 100 retweet objects
        of the passed tweet.


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          The ID of the Tweet to get the list of
          retweets from.

        - `count: int`  
          The ammount of retweets to be collected
          (in range of [1, 100]).  
          *Default`: `None`*

        - `List[Tweet]`  
          List of Tweet objects representing the
          retweets details.

        return self._session.statuses_retweets(id=tweet_id, count=count)

    def favorite(self, tweet_id: [str, int], include_entities: bool = True) -> Tweet:
        Favorite (like) a Tweet by its specified ID.


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          The ID of the desired Tweet to favorite/like.

        - `include_entities: bool`  
          Wether or not to include Tweet entities
          of the liked Tweet in the response object.  
          *Default: `True`*


        - `Tweet`  
          The favorized/liked Tweets object.

        return self._session.favorites_create(

    def unfavorite(self, tweet_id: [str, int], include_entities: bool = True) -> Tweet:
        Unfavorite (unlike) a Tweet by its specified ID.


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          The ID of the desired Tweet to un- favorite/like.

        - `include_entities: bool`  
          Wether or not to include Tweet entities
          of the Tweet in the response object.  
          *Default: `True`*


        - `Tweet`  
          The un- favorized/liked Tweets object.

        return self._session.favorites_destroy(

    # USERS #

    def user(self, 
        id: [str, int] = None, 
        screen_name: str = None,
        include_entities: bool = True) -> User:
        Get a user Object by its ID or screen name (Twitter handle).
        At least one of both, ID or screen name, must be delivered.


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          ID of the desired user.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `screen_name: str`  
          User name (Twitter handle) of the desired user.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `include_entities: bool`  
          Include entities node that may appear within
          embedded statuses.  
          *Default: `True`*


        - `User`  
          Resulting User object.

        return self._session.users_show(

    def users(self, 
        ids: List[str] = None, 
        screen_names: List[str] = None,
        include_entities: bool = True) -> Dict[str, User]:
        Get a list of up to 100 users specified by their
        IDs OR screen names (Twitter handles). Neither
        the list of IDs as same as the list of screen
        names must not be empty.
        IDs and screen names can no be mixed. Screen names
        value list will be prefered.


        - `ids: List[str]`  
          List of IDs of desired users.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `screen_names: List[str]`  
          List of screen names (Twitter handles) of the
          desired users.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `include_entities: bool`  
          Include entities node that may appear within
          embedded statuses.  
          *Default: `True`*


        - `Dict[str, User]`  
          A dict of user IDs and user names as keys
          linked to the corresponding user objects.
          So, for each user, there are two values in
          the dict. Firstly linked to an ID key and 
          secondly linked to the users user name as 

        return self._session.users_lookup(

    def followers_ids(self, id: [str, int] = None, screen_name: str = None) -> List[str]:
        Returns a list of user IDs (as strings) of all
        followers of the user specified by its ID.


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          ID of the user to get followers list from.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `screen_name: str`  
          Screen name (handle) of the user to get 
          followers list from.  
          *Default: `None`*


        - `List[str]`  
          List of IDs of all followers of the desired user.

        return self._session.followers_ids(id=id, screen_name=screen_name)

    def followers(self, 
        id: [str, int] = None, 
        screen_name: str = None,
        skip_status: bool = True,
        include_user_entities: bool = True) -> List[User]:
        Returns a list of User objects of the users
        following the target user.


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          ID of the user to get followers list from.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `screen_name: str`  
          Screen name (handle) of the user to get 
          followers list from.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `skip_status: bool`  
          Wether to show or not tweet objects in the
          user objects if the reponse objects contain
          any of them.  
          *Default: `True`* 

        - `include_user_entities: bool`  
          Wether or not to include any user entities
          if the response objects contain any of them.  
          *Default: `True`*


        - `List[User]`  
          List of User objects of all followers of 
          the target user.

        return self._session.followers_list(id=id, screen_name=screen_name,
            skip_status=skip_status, include_user_entities=include_user_entities)

    def following_ids(self, id: [str, int] = None, screen_name: str = None) -> List[str]:
        Returns a list of user IDs (as strings) of all
        friends (the user is following) of the user 
        specified by its ID.


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          ID of the user to get friends list from.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `screen_name: str`  
          Screen name (handle) of the user to get 
          friends list from.  
          *Default: `None`*


        - `List[str]`  
          List of IDs of all friends of the desired user.

        return self._session.friends_ids(id=id, screen_name=screen_name)

    def following(self, 
        id: [str, int] = None, 
        screen_name: str = None,
        skip_status: bool = True,
        include_user_entities: bool = True) -> List[User]:
        Returns a list of User objects of the users
        the target user is following (friends).


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          ID of the user to get friends list from.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `screen_name: str`  
          Screen name (handle) of the user to get 
          friends list from.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `skip_status: bool`  
          Wether to show or not tweet objects in the
          user objects if the reponse objects contain
          any of them.  
          *Default: `True`* 

        - `include_user_entities: bool`  
          Wether or not to include any user entities
          if the response objects contain any of them.  
          *Default: `True`*


        - `List[User]`  
          List of User objects of all friends of 
          the target user.

        return self._session.friends_list(id=id, screen_name=screen_name,
            skip_status=skip_status, include_user_entities=include_user_entities)

    # ALIASES #

    def tweet(self, **kwargs) -> Tweet:
        Alias for Client#status.

        return self.status(**kwargs)

    def tweets(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Tweet]:
        Alias for Client#statuses.

        return self.statuses(**kwargs)


class Client

Simple and easy to use API client which wraps around APISession.


  • credentials : Credentials
    Twitter APP or user credentials object.
class Client:
    Simple and easy to use API client which wraps
    around APISession.


    - `credentials : Credentials`  
      Twitter APP or user credentials object.


    def __init__(self, credentials: Credentials):
        self._session = APISession(credentials)

    def session(self) -> APISession:
        Returns the clients APISession


        - `APISession`  
          Initialized APISession instance.
        return self._session

    # STATUSES #

    def status_update(self, 
        text: str, 
        media: list = [],
        possibly_sensitive: bool = False,
        lat: float = None,
        long: float = None,
        place: [Place, int, str] = None,
        display_coordinates: bool = False) -> Tweet:
        Send a tweet.


        - `text: str`  
          The text content of the tweet.

        - `media: list`  
          A list of media links which will be attached
          to the tweet. These can be a path to a local
          file, an URI to an online file which will be 
          downloaded or a already created FileInfo 
          *Default: `[]`*
        - `possibly_sensitive: bool`  
          Wether the tweet contains any sensitive content
          such as nudity or medical procedures.
          *Default: `False`*

        - `lat: float`  
          The latitude of the location where the tweet
          referes to. This must be a number between -90
          and 90 and will be ignored if `long` parameter
          is not passed.
          *Default: `None`*

        - `long: float`  
          The longitude of the location where the tweet
          referes to. THis must be a value between -180
          and 180 and will be ignored if `lat` parameter
          is not passed.
          *Default: `None`*

        - `place: [Place, str]`  
          A place the tweet referes to. This can be a place
          object or a place ID as string.
          *Default: `None`*

        - `display_coordinates: bool`  
          Wether or not to display coordinates in tweet.
          *Default: `False`*


        - `Tweet`  
          The resulting Tweet object.

        return self._session.statuses_update(
            place=(( if type(place) == Place else place) if place else None),

    def status_delete(self, tweet_id: [str, int]) -> Tweet:
        Delete a tweet by its ID.


        - `tweet_id: [str, int]`  
          The ID of the tweet as string or integer.


        - `Tweet`  
          The tweet object of the deleted tweet.
        return self._session.statuses_destroy(tweet_id)

    def status_retweet(self, tweet_id: [str, int]) -> Tweet:
        Retweet a tweet by its ID.


        - `tweet_id: [str, int]`  
          ID of the Tweet to retweet.


        - `Tweet`  
          The resulting Tweet containing 
          retweet information.

        return self._session.statuses_retweet(id=tweet_id)

    def status_unretweet(self, tweet_id: [str, int]) -> Tweet:
        Revoke a retweet by its ID.


        - `tweet_id: [str, int]`  
          The retweet ID to be revoked.


        - `Tweet`  
          The Tweet object of the revoked retweet.

        return self._session.statuses_unretweet(id=tweet_id)

    def status(self, tweet_id: [str, int],
        include_entities: bool = True,
        include_ext_alt_text: bool = True) -> Tweet:
        Get Tweet by its ID. If there was no Tweet
        found by this ID, the result will be None.


        - `tweet_id: [str, int]`  
          ID of the Tweet to be fetched.

        - `include_entities: bool`  
          Include Tweet entities.
          *Default: `True`*

        - `include_ext_alt_text: bool`  
          Include Tweets alt text, if set.
          *Default: `True`*


        - `Tweet`  
          Resulting Tweet or `None`.

        return self._session.statuses_show(id=tweet_id,

    def statuses(self, tweet_ids: list, 
        include_entities: bool = True,
        include_ext_alt_text: bool = True,
        raise_on_none = False) -> Dict[str, Tweet]:
        Gets up to 100 tweets by their IDs.The result will be
        a dictionary with keys representing the originally
        requested Tweet ID paired with the fetched Tweet
        object, if found. Else, the value will be `None`.

        - `tweet_ids: list`  
          List of Tweet IDs to be fetched.
        - `include_entities: bool`  
          Include Tweets entity objects.
          Default: True
        - `include_ext_alt_text: bool`  
          Include Tweets alt texts, if set.
          Default: True
        - `raise_on_none: bool`  
          If this is set to `True`, an `NoneResponseException`
          will be risen if one of the Tweets is `None` (not found,
          not existent or not accessable).


        - `Dict[[str, int], Tweet]`  
          Tweet IDs as keys paired with the corresponding
          result Tweet object, which can be `None`.

        return self._session.statuses_lookup(

    def status_retweets(self, tweet_id: [str, int], count: int = None) -> List[Tweet]:
        Returns a list of up to 100 retweet objects
        of the passed tweet.


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          The ID of the Tweet to get the list of
          retweets from.

        - `count: int`  
          The ammount of retweets to be collected
          (in range of [1, 100]).  
          *Default`: `None`*

        - `List[Tweet]`  
          List of Tweet objects representing the
          retweets details.

        return self._session.statuses_retweets(id=tweet_id, count=count)

    def favorite(self, tweet_id: [str, int], include_entities: bool = True) -> Tweet:
        Favorite (like) a Tweet by its specified ID.


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          The ID of the desired Tweet to favorite/like.

        - `include_entities: bool`  
          Wether or not to include Tweet entities
          of the liked Tweet in the response object.  
          *Default: `True`*


        - `Tweet`  
          The favorized/liked Tweets object.

        return self._session.favorites_create(

    def unfavorite(self, tweet_id: [str, int], include_entities: bool = True) -> Tweet:
        Unfavorite (unlike) a Tweet by its specified ID.


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          The ID of the desired Tweet to un- favorite/like.

        - `include_entities: bool`  
          Wether or not to include Tweet entities
          of the Tweet in the response object.  
          *Default: `True`*


        - `Tweet`  
          The un- favorized/liked Tweets object.

        return self._session.favorites_destroy(

    # USERS #

    def user(self, 
        id: [str, int] = None, 
        screen_name: str = None,
        include_entities: bool = True) -> User:
        Get a user Object by its ID or screen name (Twitter handle).
        At least one of both, ID or screen name, must be delivered.


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          ID of the desired user.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `screen_name: str`  
          User name (Twitter handle) of the desired user.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `include_entities: bool`  
          Include entities node that may appear within
          embedded statuses.  
          *Default: `True`*


        - `User`  
          Resulting User object.

        return self._session.users_show(

    def users(self, 
        ids: List[str] = None, 
        screen_names: List[str] = None,
        include_entities: bool = True) -> Dict[str, User]:
        Get a list of up to 100 users specified by their
        IDs OR screen names (Twitter handles). Neither
        the list of IDs as same as the list of screen
        names must not be empty.
        IDs and screen names can no be mixed. Screen names
        value list will be prefered.


        - `ids: List[str]`  
          List of IDs of desired users.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `screen_names: List[str]`  
          List of screen names (Twitter handles) of the
          desired users.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `include_entities: bool`  
          Include entities node that may appear within
          embedded statuses.  
          *Default: `True`*


        - `Dict[str, User]`  
          A dict of user IDs and user names as keys
          linked to the corresponding user objects.
          So, for each user, there are two values in
          the dict. Firstly linked to an ID key and 
          secondly linked to the users user name as 

        return self._session.users_lookup(

    def followers_ids(self, id: [str, int] = None, screen_name: str = None) -> List[str]:
        Returns a list of user IDs (as strings) of all
        followers of the user specified by its ID.


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          ID of the user to get followers list from.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `screen_name: str`  
          Screen name (handle) of the user to get 
          followers list from.  
          *Default: `None`*


        - `List[str]`  
          List of IDs of all followers of the desired user.

        return self._session.followers_ids(id=id, screen_name=screen_name)

    def followers(self, 
        id: [str, int] = None, 
        screen_name: str = None,
        skip_status: bool = True,
        include_user_entities: bool = True) -> List[User]:
        Returns a list of User objects of the users
        following the target user.


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          ID of the user to get followers list from.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `screen_name: str`  
          Screen name (handle) of the user to get 
          followers list from.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `skip_status: bool`  
          Wether to show or not tweet objects in the
          user objects if the reponse objects contain
          any of them.  
          *Default: `True`* 

        - `include_user_entities: bool`  
          Wether or not to include any user entities
          if the response objects contain any of them.  
          *Default: `True`*


        - `List[User]`  
          List of User objects of all followers of 
          the target user.

        return self._session.followers_list(id=id, screen_name=screen_name,
            skip_status=skip_status, include_user_entities=include_user_entities)

    def following_ids(self, id: [str, int] = None, screen_name: str = None) -> List[str]:
        Returns a list of user IDs (as strings) of all
        friends (the user is following) of the user 
        specified by its ID.


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          ID of the user to get friends list from.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `screen_name: str`  
          Screen name (handle) of the user to get 
          friends list from.  
          *Default: `None`*


        - `List[str]`  
          List of IDs of all friends of the desired user.

        return self._session.friends_ids(id=id, screen_name=screen_name)

    def following(self, 
        id: [str, int] = None, 
        screen_name: str = None,
        skip_status: bool = True,
        include_user_entities: bool = True) -> List[User]:
        Returns a list of User objects of the users
        the target user is following (friends).


        - `id: [str, int]`  
          ID of the user to get friends list from.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `screen_name: str`  
          Screen name (handle) of the user to get 
          friends list from.  
          *Default: `None`*

        - `skip_status: bool`  
          Wether to show or not tweet objects in the
          user objects if the reponse objects contain
          any of them.  
          *Default: `True`* 

        - `include_user_entities: bool`  
          Wether or not to include any user entities
          if the response objects contain any of them.  
          *Default: `True`*


        - `List[User]`  
          List of User objects of all friends of 
          the target user.

        return self._session.friends_list(id=id, screen_name=screen_name,
            skip_status=skip_status, include_user_entities=include_user_entities)

    # ALIASES #

    def tweet(self, **kwargs) -> Tweet:
        Alias for Client#status.

        return self.status(**kwargs)

    def tweets(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Tweet]:
        Alias for Client#statuses.

        return self.statuses(**kwargs)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(

self, credentials)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, credentials: Credentials):
    self._session = APISession(credentials)

def favorite(

self, tweet_id, include_entities=True)

Favorite (like) a Tweet by its specified ID.


  • id: [str, int]
    The ID of the desired Tweet to favorite/like.

  • include_entities: bool
    Wether or not to include Tweet entities of the liked Tweet in the response object.
    Default: True


  • Tweet
    The favorized/liked Tweets object.
def favorite(self, tweet_id: [str, int], include_entities: bool = True) -> Tweet:
    Favorite (like) a Tweet by its specified ID.
    - `id: [str, int]`  
      The ID of the desired Tweet to favorite/like.
    - `include_entities: bool`  
      Wether or not to include Tweet entities
      of the liked Tweet in the response object.  
      *Default: `True`*
    - `Tweet`  
      The favorized/liked Tweets object.
    return self._session.favorites_create(

def followers(

self, id=None, screen_name=None, skip_status=True, include_user_entities=True)

Returns a list of User objects of the users following the target user.


  • id: [str, int]
    ID of the user to get followers list from.
    Default: None

  • screen_name: str
    Screen name (handle) of the user to get followers list from.
    Default: None

  • skip_status: bool
    Wether to show or not tweet objects in the user objects if the reponse objects contain any of them.
    Default: True

  • include_user_entities: bool
    Wether or not to include any user entities if the response objects contain any of them.
    Default: True


  • List[User]
    List of User objects of all followers of the target user.
def followers(self, 
    id: [str, int] = None, 
    screen_name: str = None,
    skip_status: bool = True,
    include_user_entities: bool = True) -> List[User]:
    Returns a list of User objects of the users
    following the target user.
    - `id: [str, int]`  
      ID of the user to get followers list from.  
      *Default: `None`*
    - `screen_name: str`  
      Screen name (handle) of the user to get 
      followers list from.  
      *Default: `None`*
    - `skip_status: bool`  
      Wether to show or not tweet objects in the
      user objects if the reponse objects contain
      any of them.  
      *Default: `True`* 
    - `include_user_entities: bool`  
      Wether or not to include any user entities
      if the response objects contain any of them.  
      *Default: `True`*
    - `List[User]`  
      List of User objects of all followers of 
      the target user.
    return self._session.followers_list(id=id, screen_name=screen_name,
        skip_status=skip_status, include_user_entities=include_user_entities)

def followers_ids(

self, id=None, screen_name=None)

Returns a list of user IDs (as strings) of all followers of the user specified by its ID.


  • id: [str, int]
    ID of the user to get followers list from.
    Default: None

  • screen_name: str
    Screen name (handle) of the user to get followers list from.
    Default: None


  • List[str]
    List of IDs of all followers of the desired user.
def followers_ids(self, id: [str, int] = None, screen_name: str = None) -> List[str]:
    Returns a list of user IDs (as strings) of all
    followers of the user specified by its ID.
    - `id: [str, int]`  
      ID of the user to get followers list from.  
      *Default: `None`*
    - `screen_name: str`  
      Screen name (handle) of the user to get 
      followers list from.  
      *Default: `None`*
    - `List[str]`  
      List of IDs of all followers of the desired user.
    return self._session.followers_ids(id=id, screen_name=screen_name)

def following(

self, id=None, screen_name=None, skip_status=True, include_user_entities=True)

Returns a list of User objects of the users the target user is following (friends).


  • id: [str, int]
    ID of the user to get friends list from.
    Default: None

  • screen_name: str
    Screen name (handle) of the user to get friends list from.
    Default: None

  • skip_status: bool
    Wether to show or not tweet objects in the user objects if the reponse objects contain any of them.
    Default: True

  • include_user_entities: bool
    Wether or not to include any user entities if the response objects contain any of them.
    Default: True


  • List[User]
    List of User objects of all friends of the target user.
def following(self, 
    id: [str, int] = None, 
    screen_name: str = None,
    skip_status: bool = True,
    include_user_entities: bool = True) -> List[User]:
    Returns a list of User objects of the users
    the target user is following (friends).
    - `id: [str, int]`  
      ID of the user to get friends list from.  
      *Default: `None`*
    - `screen_name: str`  
      Screen name (handle) of the user to get 
      friends list from.  
      *Default: `None`*
    - `skip_status: bool`  
      Wether to show or not tweet objects in the
      user objects if the reponse objects contain
      any of them.  
      *Default: `True`* 
    - `include_user_entities: bool`  
      Wether or not to include any user entities
      if the response objects contain any of them.  
      *Default: `True`*
    - `List[User]`  
      List of User objects of all friends of 
      the target user.
    return self._session.friends_list(id=id, screen_name=screen_name,
        skip_status=skip_status, include_user_entities=include_user_entities)

def following_ids(

self, id=None, screen_name=None)

Returns a list of user IDs (as strings) of all friends (the user is following) of the user specified by its ID.


  • id: [str, int]
    ID of the user to get friends list from.
    Default: None

  • screen_name: str
    Screen name (handle) of the user to get friends list from.
    Default: None


  • List[str]
    List of IDs of all friends of the desired user.
def following_ids(self, id: [str, int] = None, screen_name: str = None) -> List[str]:
    Returns a list of user IDs (as strings) of all
    friends (the user is following) of the user 
    specified by its ID.
    - `id: [str, int]`  
      ID of the user to get friends list from.  
      *Default: `None`*
    - `screen_name: str`  
      Screen name (handle) of the user to get 
      friends list from.  
      *Default: `None`*
    - `List[str]`  
      List of IDs of all friends of the desired user.
    return self._session.friends_ids(id=id, screen_name=screen_name)

def session(


Returns the clients APISession instance.


  • APISession
    Initialized APISession instance.
def session(self) -> APISession:
    Returns the clients APISession
    - `APISession`  
      Initialized APISession instance.
    return self._session

def status(

self, tweet_id, include_entities=True, include_ext_alt_text=True)

Get Tweet by its ID. If there was no Tweet found by this ID, the result will be None.


  • tweet_id: [str, int]
    ID of the Tweet to be fetched.

  • include_entities: bool
    Include Tweet entities. Default: True

  • include_ext_alt_text: bool
    Include Tweets alt text, if set. Default: True


  • Tweet
    Resulting Tweet or None.
def status(self, tweet_id: [str, int],
    include_entities: bool = True,
    include_ext_alt_text: bool = True) -> Tweet:
    Get Tweet by its ID. If there was no Tweet
    found by this ID, the result will be None.
    - `tweet_id: [str, int]`  
      ID of the Tweet to be fetched.
    - `include_entities: bool`  
      Include Tweet entities.
      *Default: `True`*
    - `include_ext_alt_text: bool`  
      Include Tweets alt text, if set.
      *Default: `True`*
    - `Tweet`  
      Resulting Tweet or `None`.
    return self._session.statuses_show(id=tweet_id,

def status_delete(

self, tweet_id)

Delete a tweet by its ID.


  • tweet_id: [str, int]
    The ID of the tweet as string or integer.


  • Tweet
    The tweet object of the deleted tweet.
def status_delete(self, tweet_id: [str, int]) -> Tweet:
    Delete a tweet by its ID.
    - `tweet_id: [str, int]`  
      The ID of the tweet as string or integer.
    - `Tweet`  
      The tweet object of the deleted tweet.
    return self._session.statuses_destroy(tweet_id)

def status_retweet(

self, tweet_id)

Retweet a tweet by its ID.


  • tweet_id: [str, int]
    ID of the Tweet to retweet.


  • Tweet
    The resulting Tweet containing retweet information.
def status_retweet(self, tweet_id: [str, int]) -> Tweet:
    Retweet a tweet by its ID.
    - `tweet_id: [str, int]`  
      ID of the Tweet to retweet.
    - `Tweet`  
      The resulting Tweet containing 
      retweet information.
    return self._session.statuses_retweet(id=tweet_id)

def status_retweets(

self, tweet_id, count=None)

Returns a list of up to 100 retweet objects of the passed tweet.


  • id: [str, int]
    The ID of the Tweet to get the list of retweets from.

  • count: int
    The ammount of retweets to be collected (in range of [1, 100]).


  • List[Tweet]
    List of Tweet objects representing the retweets details.
def status_retweets(self, tweet_id: [str, int], count: int = None) -> List[Tweet]:
    Returns a list of up to 100 retweet objects
    of the passed tweet.
    - `id: [str, int]`  
      The ID of the Tweet to get the list of
      retweets from.
    - `count: int`  
      The ammount of retweets to be collected
      (in range of [1, 100]).  
      *Default`: `None`*
    - `List[Tweet]`  
      List of Tweet objects representing the
      retweets details.
    return self._session.statuses_retweets(id=tweet_id, count=count)

def status_unretweet(

self, tweet_id)

Revoke a retweet by its ID.


  • tweet_id: [str, int]
    The retweet ID to be revoked.


  • Tweet
    The Tweet object of the revoked retweet.
def status_unretweet(self, tweet_id: [str, int]) -> Tweet:
    Revoke a retweet by its ID.
    - `tweet_id: [str, int]`  
      The retweet ID to be revoked.
    - `Tweet`  
      The Tweet object of the revoked retweet.
    return self._session.statuses_unretweet(id=tweet_id)

def status_update(

self, text, media=[], possibly_sensitive=False, lat=None, long=None, place=None, display_coordinates=False)

Send a tweet.


  • text: str
    The text content of the tweet.

  • media: list
    A list of media links which will be attached to the tweet. These can be a path to a local file, an URI to an online file which will be downloaded or a already created FileInfo object. Default: []

  • possibly_sensitive: bool
    Wether the tweet contains any sensitive content such as nudity or medical procedures. Default: False

  • lat: float
    The latitude of the location where the tweet referes to. This must be a number between -90 and 90 and will be ignored if long parameter is not passed. Default: None

  • long: float
    The longitude of the location where the tweet referes to. THis must be a value between -180 and 180 and will be ignored if lat parameter is not passed. Default: None

  • place: [Place, str]
    A place the tweet referes to. This can be a place object or a place ID as string. Default: None

  • display_coordinates: bool
    Wether or not to display coordinates in tweet. Default: False


  • Tweet
    The resulting Tweet object.
def status_update(self, 
    text: str, 
    media: list = [],
    possibly_sensitive: bool = False,
    lat: float = None,
    long: float = None,
    place: [Place, int, str] = None,
    display_coordinates: bool = False) -> Tweet:
    Send a tweet.
    - `text: str`  
      The text content of the tweet.
    - `media: list`  
      A list of media links which will be attached
      to the tweet. These can be a path to a local
      file, an URI to an online file which will be 
      downloaded or a already created FileInfo 
      *Default: `[]`*
    - `possibly_sensitive: bool`  
      Wether the tweet contains any sensitive content
      such as nudity or medical procedures.
      *Default: `False`*
    - `lat: float`  
      The latitude of the location where the tweet
      referes to. This must be a number between -90
      and 90 and will be ignored if `long` parameter
      is not passed.
      *Default: `None`*
    - `long: float`  
      The longitude of the location where the tweet
      referes to. THis must be a value between -180
      and 180 and will be ignored if `lat` parameter
      is not passed.
      *Default: `None`*
    - `place: [Place, str]`  
      A place the tweet referes to. This can be a place
      object or a place ID as string.
      *Default: `None`*
    - `display_coordinates: bool`  
      Wether or not to display coordinates in tweet.
      *Default: `False`*
    - `Tweet`  
      The resulting Tweet object.
    return self._session.statuses_update(
        place=(( if type(place) == Place else place) if place else None),

def statuses(

self, tweet_ids, include_entities=True, include_ext_alt_text=True, raise_on_none=False)

Gets up to 100 tweets by their IDs.The result will be a dictionary with keys representing the originally requested Tweet ID paired with the fetched Tweet object, if found. Else, the value will be None.


  • tweet_ids: list
    List of Tweet IDs to be fetched.

  • include_entities: bool
    Include Tweets entity objects. Default: True

  • include_ext_alt_text: bool
    Include Tweets alt texts, if set. Default: True

  • raise_on_none: bool
    If this is set to True, an NoneResponseException will be risen if one of the Tweets is None (not found, not existent or not accessable).


  • Dict[[str, int], Tweet]
    Tweet IDs as keys paired with the corresponding result Tweet object, which can be None.
def statuses(self, tweet_ids: list, 
    include_entities: bool = True,
    include_ext_alt_text: bool = True,
    raise_on_none = False) -> Dict[str, Tweet]:
    Gets up to 100 tweets by their IDs.The result will be
    a dictionary with keys representing the originally
    requested Tweet ID paired with the fetched Tweet
    object, if found. Else, the value will be `None`.
    - `tweet_ids: list`  
      List of Tweet IDs to be fetched.
    - `include_entities: bool`  
      Include Tweets entity objects.
      Default: True
    - `include_ext_alt_text: bool`  
      Include Tweets alt texts, if set.
      Default: True
    - `raise_on_none: bool`  
      If this is set to `True`, an `NoneResponseException`
      will be risen if one of the Tweets is `None` (not found,
      not existent or not accessable).
    - `Dict[[str, int], Tweet]`  
      Tweet IDs as keys paired with the corresponding
      result Tweet object, which can be `None`.
    return self._session.statuses_lookup(

def tweet(

self, **kwargs)

Alias for Client#status.

def tweet(self, **kwargs) -> Tweet:
    Alias for Client#status.
    return self.status(**kwargs)

def tweets(

self, **kwargs)

Alias for Client#statuses.

def tweets(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Tweet]:
    Alias for Client#statuses.
    return self.statuses(**kwargs)

def unfavorite(

self, tweet_id, include_entities=True)

Unfavorite (unlike) a Tweet by its specified ID.


  • id: [str, int]
    The ID of the desired Tweet to un- favorite/like.

  • include_entities: bool
    Wether or not to include Tweet entities of the Tweet in the response object.
    Default: True


  • Tweet
    The un- favorized/liked Tweets object.
def unfavorite(self, tweet_id: [str, int], include_entities: bool = True) -> Tweet:
    Unfavorite (unlike) a Tweet by its specified ID.
    - `id: [str, int]`  
      The ID of the desired Tweet to un- favorite/like.
    - `include_entities: bool`  
      Wether or not to include Tweet entities
      of the Tweet in the response object.  
      *Default: `True`*
    - `Tweet`  
      The un- favorized/liked Tweets object.
    return self._session.favorites_destroy(

def user(

self, id=None, screen_name=None, include_entities=True)

Get a user Object by its ID or screen name (Twitter handle). At least one of both, ID or screen name, must be delivered.


  • id: [str, int]
    ID of the desired user.
    Default: None

  • screen_name: str
    User name (Twitter handle) of the desired user.
    Default: None

  • include_entities: bool
    Include entities node that may appear within embedded statuses.
    Default: True


  • User
    Resulting User object.
def user(self, 
    id: [str, int] = None, 
    screen_name: str = None,
    include_entities: bool = True) -> User:
    Get a user Object by its ID or screen name (Twitter handle).
    At least one of both, ID or screen name, must be delivered.
    - `id: [str, int]`  
      ID of the desired user.  
      *Default: `None`*
    - `screen_name: str`  
      User name (Twitter handle) of the desired user.  
      *Default: `None`*
    - `include_entities: bool`  
      Include entities node that may appear within
      embedded statuses.  
      *Default: `True`*
    - `User`  
      Resulting User object.
    return self._session.users_show(

def users(

self, ids=None, screen_names=None, include_entities=True)

Get a list of up to 100 users specified by their IDs OR screen names (Twitter handles). Neither the list of IDs as same as the list of screen names must not be empty. IDs and screen names can no be mixed. Screen names value list will be prefered.


  • ids: List[str]
    List of IDs of desired users.
    Default: None

  • screen_names: List[str]
    List of screen names (Twitter handles) of the desired users.
    Default: None

  • include_entities: bool
    Include entities node that may appear within embedded statuses.
    Default: True


  • Dict[str, User]
    A dict of user IDs and user names as keys linked to the corresponding user objects. So, for each user, there are two values in the dict. Firstly linked to an ID key and secondly linked to the users user name as key.
def users(self, 
    ids: List[str] = None, 
    screen_names: List[str] = None,
    include_entities: bool = True) -> Dict[str, User]:
    Get a list of up to 100 users specified by their
    IDs OR screen names (Twitter handles). Neither
    the list of IDs as same as the list of screen
    names must not be empty.
    IDs and screen names can no be mixed. Screen names
    value list will be prefered.
    - `ids: List[str]`  
      List of IDs of desired users.  
      *Default: `None`*
    - `screen_names: List[str]`  
      List of screen names (Twitter handles) of the
      desired users.  
      *Default: `None`*
    - `include_entities: bool`  
      Include entities node that may appear within
      embedded statuses.  
      *Default: `True`*
    - `Dict[str, User]`  
      A dict of user IDs and user names as keys
      linked to the corresponding user objects.
      So, for each user, there are two values in
      the dict. Firstly linked to an ID key and 
      secondly linked to the users user name as 
    return self._session.users_lookup(