
pytter.objects.user module

from typing import List

class NoSessionException(Exception):
    MESSAGE = 'session is not set to tweet instance'
    def __init__(self):

class UserStats:
    Representing user statistics like follower count,
    following count, tweet cound and listed count.

    def __init__(self, data: dict = {}, data_stats: dict = {}):
        self.followers_count    = data.get('followers_count') or data_stats.get('followers_count')
        self.following_count    = data.get('friends_count') or data_stats.get('following_count')
        self.tweet_count        = data.get('statuses_count') or data_stats.get('tweet_count')
        self.listed_count       = data.get('listed_count') or data_stats.get('listed_count')
        self.favorites_count   = data.get('favourites_count') or data_stats.get('favourites_count')

class User:
    User object.

    def __init__(self, data: dict = {}, session = None):
        self._session = session                 = data.get('id')
        self.id_str             = data.get('id_str') or str(               = data.get('name')
        self.screen_name        = data.get('screen_name')
        self.location           = data.get('location')
        self.url                = data.get('url')
        self.description        = data.get('description')
        self.protected          = data.get('protected')
        self.verified           = data.get('verified')
        self.created_at         = data.get('created_at')
        self.username           = data.get('username') or data.get('screen_name')
        self.profile_image_url  = data.get('profile_image_url_https') or data.get('profile_image_url')
        self.profile_banner_url = data.get('profile_banner_url')
        self.stats              = UserStats(data=data, data_stats=data.get('stats') or {})

    def followers_ids(self) -> List[str]:
        Returns a list of all IDs of the
        users following this user.


        - `List[str]`  
          User IDs of following users.

        return self._session.followers_ids( or self.id_str)

    def followers(self, skip_status: bool = True, include_user_entities: bool = True) -> List[object]:
        Returns a list of all User objets
        of the users follwoing this user.


        - `List[User]`  
          User objects of following users.

        return self._session.followers_list( or self.id_str,
            skip_status=skip_status, include_user_entities=include_user_entities)

    def following_ids(self) -> List[str]:
        Returns a list of all IDs of the
        friends of this user (users this 
        user is currently following).


        - `List[str]`  
          List of friends user IDs.

        return self._session.friends_ids( or self.id_str)

    def following(self, skip_status: bool = True, include_user_entities: bool = True) -> List[object]:
        Returns a list of all User objects of 
        the friends of this user (users this 
        user is currently following).


        - `List[User]`  
          List of friends User objects.

        return self._session.friends_list( or self.id_str,
            skip_status=skip_status, include_user_entities=include_user_entities)


class NoSessionException

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

class NoSessionException(Exception):
    MESSAGE = 'session is not set to tweet instance'
    def __init__(self):

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables


var args

Static methods

def __init__(


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self):

class User

User object. Reference:

class User:
    User object.

    def __init__(self, data: dict = {}, session = None):
        self._session = session                 = data.get('id')
        self.id_str             = data.get('id_str') or str(               = data.get('name')
        self.screen_name        = data.get('screen_name')
        self.location           = data.get('location')
        self.url                = data.get('url')
        self.description        = data.get('description')
        self.protected          = data.get('protected')
        self.verified           = data.get('verified')
        self.created_at         = data.get('created_at')
        self.username           = data.get('username') or data.get('screen_name')
        self.profile_image_url  = data.get('profile_image_url_https') or data.get('profile_image_url')
        self.profile_banner_url = data.get('profile_banner_url')
        self.stats              = UserStats(data=data, data_stats=data.get('stats') or {})

    def followers_ids(self) -> List[str]:
        Returns a list of all IDs of the
        users following this user.


        - `List[str]`  
          User IDs of following users.

        return self._session.followers_ids( or self.id_str)

    def followers(self, skip_status: bool = True, include_user_entities: bool = True) -> List[object]:
        Returns a list of all User objets
        of the users follwoing this user.


        - `List[User]`  
          User objects of following users.

        return self._session.followers_list( or self.id_str,
            skip_status=skip_status, include_user_entities=include_user_entities)

    def following_ids(self) -> List[str]:
        Returns a list of all IDs of the
        friends of this user (users this 
        user is currently following).


        - `List[str]`  
          List of friends user IDs.

        return self._session.friends_ids( or self.id_str)

    def following(self, skip_status: bool = True, include_user_entities: bool = True) -> List[object]:
        Returns a list of all User objects of 
        the friends of this user (users this 
        user is currently following).


        - `List[User]`  
          List of friends User objects.

        return self._session.friends_list( or self.id_str,
            skip_status=skip_status, include_user_entities=include_user_entities)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(

self, data={}, session=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, data: dict = {}, session = None):
    self._session = session                 = data.get('id')
    self.id_str             = data.get('id_str') or str(               = data.get('name')
    self.screen_name        = data.get('screen_name')
    self.location           = data.get('location')
    self.url                = data.get('url')
    self.description        = data.get('description')
    self.protected          = data.get('protected')
    self.verified           = data.get('verified')
    self.created_at         = data.get('created_at')
    self.username           = data.get('username') or data.get('screen_name')
    self.profile_image_url  = data.get('profile_image_url_https') or data.get('profile_image_url')
    self.profile_banner_url = data.get('profile_banner_url')
    self.stats              = UserStats(data=data, data_stats=data.get('stats') or {})

def followers(

self, skip_status=True, include_user_entities=True)

Returns a list of all User objets of the users follwoing this user.


  • List[User]
    User objects of following users.
def followers(self, skip_status: bool = True, include_user_entities: bool = True) -> List[object]:
    Returns a list of all User objets
    of the users follwoing this user.
    - `List[User]`  
      User objects of following users.
    return self._session.followers_list( or self.id_str,
        skip_status=skip_status, include_user_entities=include_user_entities)

def followers_ids(


Returns a list of all IDs of the users following this user.


  • List[str]
    User IDs of following users.
def followers_ids(self) -> List[str]:
    Returns a list of all IDs of the
    users following this user.
    - `List[str]`  
      User IDs of following users.
    return self._session.followers_ids( or self.id_str)

def following(

self, skip_status=True, include_user_entities=True)

Returns a list of all User objects of the friends of this user (users this user is currently following).


  • List[User]
    List of friends User objects.
def following(self, skip_status: bool = True, include_user_entities: bool = True) -> List[object]:
    Returns a list of all User objects of 
    the friends of this user (users this 
    user is currently following).
    - `List[User]`  
      List of friends User objects.
    return self._session.friends_list( or self.id_str,
        skip_status=skip_status, include_user_entities=include_user_entities)

def following_ids(


Returns a list of all IDs of the friends of this user (users this user is currently following).


  • List[str]
    List of friends user IDs.
def following_ids(self) -> List[str]:
    Returns a list of all IDs of the
    friends of this user (users this 
    user is currently following).
    - `List[str]`  
      List of friends user IDs.
    return self._session.friends_ids( or self.id_str)

Instance variables

var created_at

var description

var id

var id_str

var location

var name

var profile_banner_url

var profile_image_url

var protected

var screen_name

var stats

var url

var username

var verified

class UserStats

Representing user statistics like follower count, following count, tweet cound and listed count.

class UserStats:
    Representing user statistics like follower count,
    following count, tweet cound and listed count.

    def __init__(self, data: dict = {}, data_stats: dict = {}):
        self.followers_count    = data.get('followers_count') or data_stats.get('followers_count')
        self.following_count    = data.get('friends_count') or data_stats.get('following_count')
        self.tweet_count        = data.get('statuses_count') or data_stats.get('tweet_count')
        self.listed_count       = data.get('listed_count') or data_stats.get('listed_count')
        self.favorites_count   = data.get('favourites_count') or data_stats.get('favourites_count')

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(

self, data={}, data_stats={})

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, data: dict = {}, data_stats: dict = {}):
    self.followers_count    = data.get('followers_count') or data_stats.get('followers_count')
    self.following_count    = data.get('friends_count') or data_stats.get('following_count')
    self.tweet_count        = data.get('statuses_count') or data_stats.get('tweet_count')
    self.listed_count       = data.get('listed_count') or data_stats.get('listed_count')
    self.favorites_count   = data.get('favourites_count') or data_stats.get('favourites_count')

Instance variables

var favorites_count

var followers_count

var following_count

var listed_count

var tweet_count